Hunger & Homeless Ministries

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Cathedral Center 
On October 3, join a team to prepare, deliver, and/or serve dinner to women and families experiencing homelessness. See sign-up sheet here for future dates! Contact: Liz Sellars



St. Ben’s Chili Guys
The Chili Guys have been meeting Tuesday mornings, 7:00-8:00 a.m. for over 15 years. The group organized as a way to use excess venison from their deer hunting adventures to provide gallons of chili for St. Ben’s daily meal program. As well as joining us to cook twice a month, you can donate meat or monetary gifts. Contact: Dick Janssen


Family Promise
Family Promise works to rebuild lives with compassion by providing resources and services to individuals and families experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Ozaukee County, Wisconsin. Crossroads and 16 other congregations partner to provide meals for shelter guests Monday–Friday, organize supply drives of basic needs, and volunteer for the Kids Care Program. Additional volunteer opportunities include resume building, hands-on activities for children, staff support during evening and weekend hours, financial literacy and healthy parent programs, nutrition. Contact: Suzy Frazier


Mission Garden
The Crossroads Mission Garden is located next to our upper parking lot. Produce is donated to Family Sharing and the Saukville Food Pantry. Our focus is vegetables that produce heavily and are easily prepared by families.


Tippecanoe Divine Intervention
Serve a meal or help supervise an overnight prayer vigil at Tippecanoe Presbyterian Church in Milwaukee. Tippe provides a safe and warm place for people to sleep during the winter months. You can also help by donating bus passes, fair-trade coffee, creamer, sugar, new undergarments, gently used socks, toiletries, hand warmers, gloves, and hats.


Milwaukee Rescue Mission
MRM is an emergency shelter in Milwaukee serving men, women, and children facing homelessness. MRM provides meals, shelter, clothing, and long-term recovery programs, including education, job training, addiction recovery support, mentoring, and life-skills classes. Many volunteer opportunities are available year-round including sorting donations, serving meals, distributing clothing and hygiene items, wrapping Christmas gifts, and working with children at Cross Trainers Academy or during summer camp. Contact: Joann Steidinger