Ways to Give

There are a variety of ways to give at Crossroads. At each worship service the ushers pass the offering plate during the Offertory time. You can use an envelope in the pew or pick up a supply of envelopes outside of the church office.

Online Giving
We highly encourage one-time or recurring gifts be made through a bank transfer with online giving.

Text Giving
Use your smart phone to give to the church. You can give via text using debit cards, credit cards, or ACH payments. Click here for a tutorial on text giving.

Offering Envelopes
Offering envelopes are available outside of the church office at the Welcome Center.

Non-Cash Gifts
Contact the church accounting office for instructions on how to donate stocks or mutual funds.

Legacy Giving
The Legacy Giving Vine Mural, beautiful artwork created by noted local artist and long-time friend of Crossroads Robb Helf, is a visual reminder of the legacy of generosity flowing from a relationship in Christ. If you were not able to attend worship, click here to view the video reveal.

Legacy gifts through current assets, wills, or estate plans ensure the continued vitality, development, and Christ-centered leadership of Crossroads from one generation to the next. Click here to learn more about Legacy Giving.