Wednesday Nights

Crossroads Station
Two Wednesdays a month, 6:00–7:00 p.m.

Children in K4-grade 5, meet us for Crossroads Station on Wednesday nights! Parents and caregivers are always welcome to stay and join the fun, and younger siblings can come along too if a parent stays with them!

February 26: Get Ready for Lent
What is Lent, anyway? Why do we celebrate Ash Wednesday? What does it have to do with Easter? Find out the answers to these questions and play some fun games! With a new understanding of this season, all ages are invited to Ash Wednesday dinner and worship on March 5. Register here

March 19: Superhero Night
Dress as your favorite superhero! Play hero games and meet God’s heroes of the New Testament! Learn how you can become one, too!

Spring Musical: Rehearse Wednesdays, April 2-May 7 (no rehearsal April 16)
Join the cast of the spring children’s musical! Rehearse, make props and the set, and learn more about Jesus each Wednesday leading up to a May 11 performance during