Children’s Sunday School
Sundays, 10:15–11:00 a.m. through April 27
Please register here for the Spring 2025 semester to help us plan for class sizes. No Sunday School March 23 and 30 during Spring Break.
For children age 4 through grade 5. Sunday School meets in Praise & Plays after worship for a snack, then splits into age groups for a lesson and fun activities! Once a month, we have Sunday School Sings in the music room with Associate Worship Director, Jenee O’Connor.
- Students in preschool-grade 1 who attend Children’s Worship may stay in the Praise & Plays room through both programs.
- Children in grades 2–5 are invited to attend the full worship service in the sanctuary with their families and then get checked in at the kiosk outside the Praise & Plays room.
- Pick all children up at 11:00 a.m. in the Praise & Plays room.
Contact: Christa Middleton, Director of Children and Family Ministry